Help Make a DUMB KNOB AC Smart

I’m looking for any ideas/options of being able to control my old Friedrich KM21L30-A AC Unit from HA.

The unit operates on 220VAC and is controlled via knob controls (NO REMOTE).

Ideally, I would like the ability if possible, to turn the unit on/off, and build a couple automation’s around it.


Multi-meter + ESP8266.

Multi-Meter, Check
ESP8266, In transit
Guidance/Instruction, ???

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Ok so here’s how I would do it.

First, get a temperature sensor of some kind to put into same room as A/C and connect to home assistant.
I personally use a ZWave multisensor mounted in the room.

Next, get an outlet smart plug that can be controlled by home assistant, like a Wemo or tplink plug. Zwave / Zigbee or any other other method of cutting power to the A/C should be fine.

Then, turn your A/C knobs to the coldest, always on setting.

Last, use the generic thermostat component and link the temperature sensor and the smart plug connected to the A/C together so it can control the A/C temperature by turning the A/C power on (since it is set to coldest setting your A/C thermostat will always tell A/C to run).

:+1:Great solution, except that the AC is 220VAC, I haven’t seen a smart plug/outlet for 220V.

I guess to implement this I will have to probably use a wired module.

Time to get energized!:crazy_face:

Not sure if it works with HA, and it’s not inexpensive by any measure. but it’s there.

You could also just cut through the tinkering and get one of these…

Thanks, looking to probably get one of the following.

My unit is a 20,600 BTU Through-the-Wall Air Conditioner.

I think the following mite be the ultimate solutions, thoughts?

Haven’t played with X10 in probably 10 years or more. I’m guessing it’s improved…

Probably won’t go this route as HA has additional requirements for x10.

Requires Heyu x10 and a CM11A interface; the CM17A “FireCracker” interface is not supported.