I’ve been trying to use the color extractor integration to change some led strips based on the entity picture displayed by my WebOS TV but it doesn’t seem to work.
When my TV is playing something, like Amazon Prime, the entity picture gets this value:
entity_picture: >-
So I tried calling color_extractor.turn_on service like this:
color_extract_path: {{ states.media_player.lg_sala.attributes.entity_picture}}
entity_id: light.yeelight_color_0x0000000005e768aa
But I get this error:
Invalid data for call_service at pos 1: not a file for dictionary value @ data['color_extract_path']
It seems the extractor can’t find an image file in the path, yet HA can. Is there something else I should add to the path? There’s no URL for the picture, just a path.
I also tested with a Chromecast, which has a path and a URL:
entity_picture_local: /api/media_player_proxy/media_player.tv_quarto?token=4b92ccd7c520a4232ed628d8efcda05cfaa11553e00b5020ff225e99ad8b80c5&cache=c0e849320f2f2b91
entity_picture: https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d00001e02b41607c1edf9f0cbee08d02e
When I use the URL call, it works normally:
color_extract_url: '{{ states.media_player.tv_quarto.attributes.entity_picture}}'
entity_id: light.yeelight_color_0x0000000005e768aa
But when I try the path option it doesn’t:
color_extract_path: '{{ states.media_player.tv_quarto.attributes.entity_picture_local}}'
entity_id: light.yeelight_color_0x0000000005e768aa
Here’s hoping someone has got it working and can help me figure out how to! Thanks in advance.