Help me change my wake word

I hope someone can help me.

I had a fully working m5 Stack Atom Echo working with OpenWakeWord and the ‘hey Jarvis’ wake word. However, this was using an ESPHome yaml configuration I found somwhere in this forum.

After installing the 2024.10 update, HA reported that I should be using the satelite service? I wasn’t sure how to fix this.

So, I thought I’d start from scratch and install the ESPHome Ready Made Project Voice Assistant onto my m5 stack.

I have this set up and working and using the on device OpenWakeWord ‘ok nabu’. I guess this is the default.

I want to use ‘hey Jarvis’ but can’t seem to change it. I’ve changed the wake word in the settings for the preffered voice assistant pipeline - the ESPHome device is using the preffered voice assistant pipeline.

How can I change the wake word?

I’m seeing the same behavior.

I have Settings->VoiceAssistant->wakeword = Hey Jarvis

Did you try Settings->Integration->ESP Home->WakeWord = Local vs. HomeAssistant?

I’ll try that, maybe along with a reset & reinitialize of M5Stack, as wakeword was nabu when I setup M5Stack initially.

Hi @ItsMee

Yes, I have this set to ‘On device’

I have the same problem. Hoping a solution is found

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same problem here

Running HomeassistantOS on Virtual Machine. Piper, Whisper, Atom 5 Echo everything working fine with “ok Nabu” but no way to change the wakeword.

Anyone find a resolution to this? I am running into the same problem where it won’t update to a different wakeword