Help me. i want a countdown timer

help me. I want a countdown timer that counts down after 30 seconds and then repeats. Thank you

It is possible but first, can you explain why you want this?

i want a countdown timer. then repeat the action. I use it for camera recording. (I don’t like the timer like the picture below)

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You did not answer my question. You still only told us about your chosen solution. Why do you want to trigger every 30 seconds?


Remove your time trigger and use the time pattern trigger:

    - platform: time_pattern
      seconds: "/30"

However, time pattern triggers are rarely the best way to do things. It would be much easier for us to help you if you told us what your end goal is rather than your chosen solution. You could probably make whatever you are trying to do state driven instead of polled every 30 seconds so that it only occurs when needed.