I use SMTP notification service to send emails to an email address that ultimately ends up sending me a SMS/text message. Like many mobile companies my phone has an email address. Easiest way to get text messages. It works well, and I use it in a lot of my automations. I’m a fan of notifications.
I also added an input boolean for my wife and for myself that I can use to turn notifications on/off when I dont want to get notified.
At the end of the day I feel like I’m not really optimizing this process, and would to see if there are ways to reduce the amount of repeated yaml.
So here is the script I use
alias: SMS Notify with Images
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ condition }}"
- service_template: "{{ service }}"
title: "{{ title }}"
message: "{{ message }}"
- "{{ imagename }}"
An here is an example of the automation where I notify both my wife and myself
- service: script.sms_notify_with_images
service: notify.sms_paul
condition: "{{ is_state('input_boolean.notify_paul','on') }}"
title: "Front Door Motion"
message: "{{ as_timestamp (now()) | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p') }} on {{ now().strftime('%d %b %Y') }}"
imagename: "/tmp/frontdoor.jpg"
- service: script.sms_notify_with_images
service: notify.sms_tracy
condition: "{{ is_state('input_boolean.notify_tracy','on') }}"
title: "Front Door Motion"
message: "{{ as_timestamp (now()) | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p') }} on {{ now().strftime('%d %b %Y') }}"
imagename: "/tmp/frontdoor.jpg"
It’s all working now, just seems like it should be able to be streamlined.
Any tips?