Help me understand Log Details (Warning) upnp

Can anyone help me understand this warning?

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.frame
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 12:56:48 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:56:48 PM

Detected integration that accessed discovery_info.__contains__('ssdp_location') instead of discovery_info.upnp.__contains__('ssdp_location') or discovery_info.ssdp_headers.__contains__('ssdp_location'); this will fail in version 2022.6. Please report issue for upnp using this method at homeassistant/components/upnp/, line 78: if ssdp.ATTR_SSDP_LOCATION not in headers:
Detected integration that accessed discovery_info['ssdp_location'] instead of discovery_info.ssdp_location, discovery_info.upnp['ssdp_location'] or discovery_info.ssdp_headers['ssdp_location']; this will fail in version 2022.6. Please report issue for upnp using this method at homeassistant/components/upnp/, line 81: location = headers[ssdp.ATTR_SSDP_LOCATION]
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Home assistant devs are taking some decisions to change/modify some functions and this is a warning to integration users to inform their integration owners to get up to date with latest guidelines.

Given that upnp is a core integration, they will probably fix these in upcoming months, you can just create a github issue to be sure that someone is tracking this

Recently I have exactly this same error, and of course I’d be able to message the developers of an integration, but how do I know/find out which integration triggers this?

I’m not seeing any integration name that I recognize, so how can I find out where this upnp component is being referenced?

Please report issue for upnp ...

integration is called upnp, part of home assistant core.

Ok, how do I “report issue for upnp”??

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