Help me use card-templater to generate cards inside a vertical stack based on a list from a sensor

Hello all, fighting for 2 days (together with ChatGPT) to make this work.

I have a sensor that keeps a list of messages/notifications (workaround for Persistent Notifications not generating entities anymore). I want to display each notification/message as a separate card in a vertical stack. I feel that I am pretty close, but not there yet, hope I’m not hitting any limitations.

First approach gets me almost there, but I think the issue is that my output is a simple string and not a list

  type: vertical-stack
  cards_template: |
    {% set messages = state_attr('sensor.messages', 'messages') %} 
    {% for message in messages %} 
      - type: markdown
        content: "{{ message.title }}"
    {% endfor %}
  - sensor.messages

The result is this, pretty close, except the “|-” characters which probably doesn’t allow this method to work.

Studied more, found out they have a method where they return a list, like this:

type: custom:card-templater
  type: vertical-stack
  cards_template: >-
    {{ state_attr('sensor.messages', 'messages')| map(attribute="message") |
    list |

    tojson }}
  - sensor.messages

This actually generates individual cards, but the question is how I generate the markdown/whatever card I want in that map function for each message?

The filter function is to_json.