I am passing in an argument to a function, but I need to reference the argument from my globals.py file - so I need to preced the argument with globals. (not self.)
The argument I am passing to my module is called: motion_detector_office
motion_detector_office references my actual motion detector sensor that is in my globals.py function:
# Global variables
motion_detector_office = "binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d00ccccc4d3"
My code looks like this:
import appdaemon.appapi as appapi
import globals
class motion(appapi.AppDaemon):
def initialize(self):
self.log(self.args["binary_sensor"]) => This logs: 'motion_detector_office'
self.xxx="globals." + self.args["binary_sensor"]
self.log(self.xxx) => This logs: 'globals.motion_detector_office'
self.log(self.get_state(globals.motion_detector_office)) => This logs: 'off' (this is correct!)
self.log(self.get_state(self.xxx)) => This logs: 'null' (I want it to log 'off' like above!)
I’m sure I’m making this too hard - any ideas for me?