Invalid config for ‘mqtt’ at configuration.yaml, line 18: ‘broker’ is an invalid option for ‘mqtt’, check: mqtt->0->broker
Invalid config for ‘mqtt’ at configuration.yaml, line 18: ‘client_id’ is an invalid option for ‘mqtt’, check: mqtt->0->client_id
Invalid config for ‘mqtt’ at configuration.yaml, line 18: ‘password’ is an invalid option for ‘mqtt’, check: mqtt->0->password
Invalid config for ‘mqtt’ at configuration.yaml, line 18: ‘port’ is an invalid option for ‘mqtt’, check: mqtt->0->port
Invalid config for ‘mqtt’ at configuration.yaml, line 18: ‘username’ is an invalid option for ‘mqtt’, check: mqtt->0->username
Integration error: -switch - Integration ‘-switch’ not found.
My mqtt switch is added to the configuratiom yaml but it does not show in my mosquito mqtt integration,
Also not in MQTT Explorer.
Can someone give me some tips,
I see at the top of your code it says example. If you just copied it off the documentation page its unlikely to work as its connecting to a real device.