Help needed: Calendar working in overview but only shows next upcoming event in states

Hey everyone,

i have this strange issue i cant get my head around and so wanted to ask if it stems from my faulty understanding of the calendar integration in HA or if i have a problem in my config elsewhere.

So the problem is that i cant see more than the next event within states of the calendar, but i can see all future events in the calendars overview tab from HA. {{states.calendar.xxxx.attributes}} only shows friendly name while out of reach of an event, if an event is incoming it shows this event but only this event no further events. So if an event is happening the calendar shows on and the belonging start_time and end_time, message and title of calendar else off.

is it possible to access the calendar information any further, like getting the next upcoming events to use in notification or elsewhere?

Calendar integration: CalDav

how do you get the next event? I just switched from a google calendar (which showed the next event as attribute) to a caldav nextcloud calendar (not showing the next event UTIL it is happening).

Its also in the attributes but only short befor the event

yeah looks like caldav could be improved on that part :confused: