Help Needed: Cannot access Home Assistant via IP or http://homeassistant.local:8123 [Solved]

What does your router say? Are you all really on the same network / subnet? I once left hotspot on my phone on and things connected in a way that produced very similar symptoms.

Having the same issue on X86 install
after updating HA, I donā€™t have access.

Same here. Working for years, now out of the sudden the local acces is gone:

What is working:

What is not working:

The only thing which I see to be changed is a new SSL certificate.
HA ist running on Proxmox in a Unifi network with Pihole DNS. So far it was no problem.

EDIT: Working again.

Solution: update HA to latest version 2024.05 to 2024.06. (via command shell)


has it been consistent since the upgrade?
i havent had an issue for years, and then the past few days i havent been able to login via my PC at all, and from my phone, randomly. but my tablet which is wall mounted doesnt seem to have an issue at all.

iv updated everything but to no success

Same here, I canā€™t log in to Ha anymore since the last update

@me.remedi Could your issue be related to Alexa Media Player memory leak? either disable, roll it back or remove (Alexa Media Player) it may get you back on line.
For the HA 2024.10.1 update

Same here! I just updated the Alexa Media Player integration and now I canā€™t log in either. I can see that my Rpi4 is connected to my network, but nothing works to connect. How can I disable this without access to my HA instance?

@zgadson @me.remedi
Boot in to safe mode
Read and follow these instructions:

Mac user here. I had a similar issue. Turned out to be browser related. Even through I granted Chrome the access to find devices on the local network, it just didnā€™t succeed. I had to switch to Safari, which worked fine for the homeassistant.local:8123 address. Just sharing my experience as might be useful for someone else.

I was dealing with a similar issue immediately after switching to a static IP through the settings UI on a fresh HAOS install on a Proxmox VM.

Using ā€˜network infoā€™ in the CLI, I noticed that the IP address had been set with a /32 CIDR suffix rather than /24. Changing it to /24 fixed the problem.

I hope this is helpful to anyone else who runs into this problem.

I managed to connect just using homeassistant:8123 basically took out the local, no idea why it worked as iā€™m new to this.

Stuck here again.

and fixed again:
due to a hardware change the port forward got invalid. This was hard to discover as many clients relied on old routing tables and were still working fine. Apple devices were not fooled an could not connect.

Original post for reference:

However it seems a very distinct combination that fails:

  • Home assistant on virtual computer (Proxmox)
  • Unifi managed network
  • MacOS Clients.

How did I get here: I updated Unfi Gateway hardware, which always has some hiccups. When that was finished everything was fine, a Nextcloud instance on some Server runs immediately
Home Assistant is not reachable by any Apple device running iOS, iPadOS, MacOS. I am stuck in the start screen from Home assistant (the logo appears some times, some times not). And yes, deleting browser cache leads nowhere.

On an Android tablet or Windows computer there are no issues at all. All my ESPHome nodes work too.

This time nothing helped:

  • reboot HA
  • reboot Server
  • update HA via command line
  • reboot clients, delete cache

even direct IP access fails (on Mac/iPhone only):

1 Like

Having the same issue.

Anyone find a solution to this?

Ok, stuck again. It is super random when I can access HA and when not. Easier ist from external internet.

super strange. It is working. Sometimes.

And fixed againā€¦

This time the dyndns provider went down. They all seem to have more issues recent years.