Help needed: Debug automation


How can I debug my automation?
I’ve set logging defaut to debug but nothing shows up in the log if for example a trigger matches or only one of two conditions. How to debug my automation if the automation doesn’t fire?

Thanks in advanced :slight_smile:

If you remove the qualifier from logging (i.e. just have logger: by itself), you should see everything. Logs get pretty big after a while so you may want to switch back once you finish debugging.

Hm that didn’t work out for me :confused:
tried to set it to default notset, debug and info and removed the logger completely.
I can see a lot of debug messages but none of them affect automation or trigger.

Currently I'm trying to debug this automation task:

    - alias: Turn on light on sunset
        - platform: sun
          event: sunset
          offset: '+00:00:00'

        - condition: state
          entity_id: group.all_devices
          state: 'home'

        - condition: state
          entity_id: input_boolean.light_sunset
          state: 'on'

       -  service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.wz,
            profile: relax
            transition: 600

It's not fireing and I don't know why exactly.

states are as follows:

on	friendly_name: Switch on light at sunset
icon: mdi:weather-sunset

group.all_deviceshomeauto: true
entity_id: device_tracker.hensingx220,device_tracker.xenia,device_tracker.hensing_nexus5x,device_tracker.geierandroid
friendly_name: all devices
hidden: true
order: 0

homeauto: true
entity_id: device_tracker.hensingx220,device_tracker.xenia,device_tracker.hensing_nexus5x,device_tracker.geierandroid
friendly_name: all devices
hidden: true
order: 0