Help needed for merging two values in influxdb

Due to renaming I would like to merge old-entity to new entity in influxdb. I am trying to do this this way according description in german Influxdb umbenennen von Measurements

select * into db_name..new_entity from db_name..old_entity
drop db_name..old_entity

My query in Influx db executes without error but also without effect:

select * into home_assistant..temperature_humidity_outdoor_temperature from home_assistant..wohnzimmer_wohnzimmer_wohnzimmer_vorgarten_temperature

Query of “old value” return no results.

select * from home_assistant..wohnzimmer_wohnzimmer_wohnzimmer_vorgarten_temperature

However I can see old and new value in grafana without problems.
Please help me in correcting the query in order to to the intended copy of all values from old.


Same problem with no solution so far:InfluxDB: renaming sensor name in the influxdb database