[Help Needed] How can I check user (attempts) logins?


Maybe a noob question, but how can I check HA user login (attempts) and if an user is actually logged in? Is this logged somewhere?

FYI, I use Hass.io on a RasPi 3+

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Login attempts can be checked with the http integration

Thanks @metbril for responding.

As far I can see you can enable the ip-ban function and check those logs. But how can actually see who is logged in (at this moment) and how these users logged in, in the past?

I don not use the IP-ban for known local network (trusted) users/devices…

As far as I can think off it is pretty difficult to control who is logged into a web application. Perhaps HA records (active) sessions. That is dev related so you should probably best ask in a discord dev channel.

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Hmm, I don’t use discord.
It doesn’t have to be web related. I did also checked some container-level standard Linux locations, but I couldn’t find any standard log locations, like /var/log/auth.log…

Maybe another forum member could help me out, I hope.

My best guess is that you look in the (hidden) .storage folder.

Any luck? I’m interested in the same

This was possible with this component, and it was very useful as it is a security concern that someone can login to your HA instance without you noticing: GitHub - custom-components/authenticated: A platform which allows you to get information about sucessfull logins to Home Assistant.

Unfortunally for some reason the component was deprecated last year and it doesn´t seem to be any alternative available.

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Any news on this? I’d like to track login (attempts) too. I’ve got Cloudflare in front of it. But i want in HA a log of all attempts.

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I was looking for this as well. Seems like there are a number of forks of the original. One that seems recently updated and that I was able to install through HACS is:

Working so far, as far as I can tell