Nearby residents do backyard burning like every evening. So I’m trying to get alerted when pm2.5 gets above the threshold so that I can shut doors and windows promptly.
I’ve successfully paired Ikea Vindstyrka to HA thru zigbee2mqtt, the readings of sensors are coming thru to the dashboard every sec. Now I’m trying get automation to work, for my test I’m adding a trigger with condition of pm2.5 getting above 1, and an action of a simple notification.
I added trigger and action through the UI, like in this screenshot:
The problem seems to be more with the trigger - it got fired from time to time, but not as often as it should be. i.e. instead of firing every few seconds, it got fired like every 5-10 minutes a few times in the beginning, then later it didn’t get fired until hours have passed.
The trigger you are using behaves the same way as a Numeric State Trigger. It will trigger at the moment that the sensor’s value increases and crosses the threshold value of 1.
For example, it will trigger at the instant when the sensor’s value increases from 0.8 to 1.1. If the sensor’s value continues to increase after crossing the threshold, it doesn’t serve to trigger the automation again. The sensor’s value must first decrease below the threshold and then increase above it in order to trigger again.
If you want to be notified every time there’s any change to the sensor’s value (you will receive a lot of notifications), use a Device Trigger without the above option, or a State Trigger, and a Numeric State Condition that checks if the sensor’s value is above 1.