[Help Needed] mqtt-statestream filtering issue

I am using the mqtt integration and I wanted to use HA for publishing some sensors data to other smarthome softwares.
I found the the mqtt_statestream should be the correct option, it is but I am publishing too much data while I want to publish only 9 sensors values. :frowning:
I read the documentation many times but I can’t reach my goal.
At the beginning, I have only added the 9 sensors below the include / entities but I’ve got everything that HA could published. So I added the exclude with almost everything but I still get everything.
Here is my yaml configuration

  base_topic: homeassistant
  publish_attributes: false
  publish_timestamps: false
      - sensor.cave_temperature
      - sensor.frigo_congel_temperature
      - sensor.frigo_us_temperature
      - sensor.salon_temperature
      - sensor.home_temperature
      - sensor.salon_humidite
      - sensor.home_humidite
      - sensor.pluie_intensite_des_precipitations
      - sensor.pluie_precipitation
      - binary_sensor
      - switch
      - lawn_mower
      - light
      - number
      - button
      - text
      - camera
      - device_tracker
      - vacuum
      - select
      - automation
      - update
      - siren
      - weather
      - lock
      - media_player
      - person
      - zone
      - climate
      - sun

If anyone could help, I may have misunderstood something, but I don’t find what.

Did you find a solution? I have the same problem


Sorry for the late answer.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find any solution :frowning:

Same issue here. include / exclude for the mqtt statestream seems broken :frowning:
Unopened an issue: MQTT statestream filter · Issue #122025 · home-assistant/core · GitHub