Help Needed: Setting Up Paradox SP5500 and IP150 with PAI

Hi everyone,

I’m currently experiencing issues with setting up my Paradox SP5500 and IP150 module with PAI. It was working perfectly when connected directly via IP, but since the monitoring center connected to it, I can’t seem to connect through the local IP anymore. Additionally, I tried using the SWAN service, but it’s also failing. Note that I set-up Blue Eye since the beginning; when I was connected to it I could login through PAI, but as soon as I disconnected Blue Eye PAI was working normally. Now, Blue Eye works, but PAI doesn’t, even if I’m not connected to Blue Eye.


Local IP Connection Failure:
When trying to connect locally, it fails with the following logs:

2024-05-25 13:51:49,162 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.paradox - Clean Session
2024-05-25 13:51:49,163 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.paradox - Connecting to interface
2024-05-25 13:51:49,163 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.connections.ip.connection - Connecting. Try 1/3
2024-05-25 13:51:49,167 - ERROR    - PAI.paradox.connections.ip.connection - Connect failed (try 1/3): [Errno 111] Connect call failed ('', 10000)
2024-05-25 13:51:49,169 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.connections.ip.connection - Connecting. Try 2/3
2024-05-25 13:51:49,170 - ERROR    - PAI.paradox.connections.ip.connection - Connect failed (try 2/3): [Errno 111] Connect call failed ('', 10000)
2024-05-25 13:51:49,171 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.connections.ip.connection - Connecting. Try 3/3
2024-05-25 13:51:49,174 - ERROR    - PAI.paradox.connections.ip.connection - Connect failed (try 3/3): [Errno 111] Connect call failed ('', 10000)
2024-05-25 13:51:49,174 - ERROR    - PAI.paradox.paradox - Failed to connect to interface
2024-05-25 13:51:49,175 - ERROR    - PAI - Unable to connect to alarm

SWAN Service Connection Failure:
When attempting to connect via SWAN, I receive the following error:

2024-05-25 14:34:05,169 - INFO     - PAI - Starting...
2024-05-25 14:34:05,170 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.paradox - Connecting to interface
2024-05-25 14:34:05,170 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.paradox - Using IP Connection
2024-05-25 14:34:05,381 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.connections.ip.connection - Connecting. Try 1/3
2024-05-25 14:34:05,381 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.connections.ip.stun_session - Connecting to Site: ****
2024-05-25 14:34:05,381 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.connections.ip.stun_session - Getting site info
2024-05-25 14:34:05,643 - ERROR    - PAI.paradox.connections.ip.connection - Unhandled exception while connecting (try 1/3): Unable to find module with desired  panel serial
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/paradox/connections/ip/", line 28, in connect
    await self._try_connect()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/paradox/connections/ip/", line 148, in _try_connect
    await self.stun_session.connect()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/paradox/connections/ip/", line 44, in connect
    raise ConnectToSiteFailed("Unable to find module with desired panel serial")
paradox.exceptions.ConnectToSiteFailed: Unable to find module with desired panel serial

Has anyone encountered similar issues after their alarm system was connected by a monitoring center? Could it be that the center’s connection settings are interfering with my local connection attempts? Any specific tips for connecting with SWAN?

Thanks in advance!