Help needed to get AI Notification Text stored for Dashboard use

Iam using this Automation Blueprint as base but take controll over it by myself

Blueprint Multiple Notify Agent Calendar Agenda

This is my Automation (i use a simlar one for my wife too

alias: Multi Calendar AI Andre
description: ""
  - at: "06:00:00"
    trigger: time
  - variables:
      weather_entity: weather.home
      calendar_number: three
      calendar_entity_1: calendar.andre_s_kalender
      calendar_entity_2: calendar.familie
      calendar_entity_3: calendar.feiertage_nrw
      notify_number: one
      zone_entity: zone.home
        hours: 18
      prompt: |2
                Bitte generiere einen Text für eine Benachrichtigung, die an die Benutzer mit Smartphone gesendet wird
                mit hilfreichen Informationen.
                Du bist ein hilfreicher persönlicher Agent, der Text für den Benutzer generiert:
                - Deine Antworten sind hilfreich, freundlich, warmherzig und aufschlussreich.
                - Deine Antworten sind nicht technischer Natur und enthalten keine internen Details von Home Assistant, wie z. B. Entitäten in den Antworten.
                - Deine Nachrichten helfen dem Benutzer, sich auf seinen Tag vorzubereiten, zum Beispiel:
                  - Notieren Sie sich ungewöhnliches Wetter für den Ort und die Jahreszeit (aber keine alltäglichen Details wie „0 % Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit“).
                  - Wie viel Zeit bleibt bis zu ihrem ersten Treffen?
                  - Alles, was besonders oder einzigartig sein könnte, wie zum Beispiel die Feier eines Geburtstages, Jahrestags
                  - Wenn am nächsten Tag ein Feiertag auf einem Werktag (Montag - Freitag) ist informiere den User daüber.
  - alias: Fetch First Calendar Agenda
        hours: 18
      entity_id: calendar.andre_s_kalender
    response_variable: agenda_1
    action: calendar.get_events
  - if:
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ (calendar_number == 'two') or (calendar_number == 'three') }}"
      - alias: Fetch Second Calendar Agenda
            hours: 18
          entity_id: calendar.familie
        response_variable: agenda_2
        action: calendar.get_events
  - if:
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ calendar_number == 'three'}}"
      - alias: Fetch Third Calendar Agenda
            hours: 18
          entity_id: calendar.familie
        response_variable: agenda_3
        action: calendar.get_events
  - alias: Fetch Weather Forecast
      type: daily
        - "{{ weather_entity }}"
    response_variable: daily_forecast
    action: weather.get_forecasts
  - variables:
      forecast_entity: "{{ daily_forecast[weather_entity] }}"
      forecast: "{{ forecast_entity.forecast[0] }}"
  - alias: Conversation Agent Notification Text
      text: >-
        Time: {{ now().strftime("%A %B %d %H:%M %p") }}

        {%- if zone_entity is defined %}

        Latitude: {{ state_attr(zone_entity, 'latitude') | round(1) }}

        Longitude: {{ state_attr(zone_entity, 'longitude') | round(1) }}

        {% endif %}

        {%- if weather_entity is defined %}        

        {%- set temperature_unit = state_attr(weather_entity,
        'temperature_unit') -%}

        Forecast: {{ forecast.condition }} ({{ forecast.temperature }}{{
        temperature_unit }}, {{ forecast.precipitation }}% precipitation)

        {%- endif %}

        Calendar "{{ state_attr(calendar_entity_1, 'friendly_name') }}" events
        for the next {{ calendar_duration.hours }} hours:

        {%- set agenda = (agenda_1 | items | first)[1] %}

        {%- if %}
          {%- for event in %}
          - Summary: {{ event.summary }}
            Start-End: {% if event.start is defined %}{{ event.start }} to {{ event.end }}{% else %}All Day{% endif %}
            {%- if event.description is defined %}
            Description: {{ event.description }}
            {% endif -%}
            {%- if event.location is defined %}
              Location: {{ event.location }}
            {% endif -%}
          {%- endfor %}
        {%- else %}
          - No upcoming events.
        {%- endif %}

        {%- if (calendar_number == "two") or (calendar_number == "three") %}

        Calendar "{{ state_attr(calendar_entity_2, 'friendly_name') }}" events
        for the next {{ calendar_duration.hours }} hours:
          {%- set agenda = (agenda_2 | items | first)[1] %}
          {%- if %}
            {%- for event in %}
            - Summary: {{ event.summary }}
              Start-End: {% if event.start is defined %}{{ event.start }} to {{ event.end }}{% else %}All Day{% endif %}
              {%- if event.description is defined %}
              Description: {{ event.description }}
              {% endif -%}
              {%- if event.location is defined %}
                Location: {{ event.location }}
              {% endif -%}
            {%- endfor %}
          {%- else %}
            - No upcoming events.
          {%- endif %}
        {%- endif %}

        {%- if (calendar_number == "three") %}

        Calendar "{{ state_attr(calendar_entity_3, 'friendly_name') }}" events
        for the next {{ calendar_duration.hours }} hours:
          {%- set agenda = (agenda_3 | items | first)[1] %}
          {%- if %}
            {%- for event in %}
            - Summary: {{ event.summary }}
              Start-End: {% if event.start is defined %}{{ event.start }} to {{ event.end }}{% else %}All Day{% endif %}
              {%- if event.description is defined %}
              Description: {{ event.description }}
              {% endif -%}
              {%- if event.location is defined %}
                Location: {{ event.location }}
              {% endif -%}
            {%- endfor %}
          {%- else %}
            - No upcoming events.
          {%- endif %}
        {%- endif %}

        {{ prompt }}
      agent_id: conversation.openai_conversation
    response_variable: agent
    action: conversation.process
  - alias: Send notification
      title: Tagesplanung für den {{ now().strftime('%d.%m.%Y') }}
      message: "{{ agent.response.speech.plain.speech }}"
    action: notify.mobile_app_andre_s_14t_pro
    enabled: true

I would like to store the Notification Part

      title: Tagesplanung für den {{ now().strftime('%d.%m.%Y') }}
      message: "{{ agent.response.speech.plain.speech }}"

Somehow, maybe inside an “input_text” helper so i would be able to show this also on an Lovelace Card on my Dashboard only visible for an selected user.

But how can i store this?