Help needed to set Server Picture

Hey there,
Like mentioned in the title im searching for a way to set rhe server picture or the user picture for a server. I have this on one of my servers but cant remember/find where i had set rhis - picture below

I really would appreciate any help here - sorry for my bad scribbling there


I think you are looking for this Open your Home Assistant instance and show your people.

First of all thank you for your answer :slight_smile: but i somehow cant open your link, can you please post it in an other format?

What happens when you click the link?

After a while i got it working but it only opens the server chooser window - and there i cant set any picture.

I tried to set it as entity picture for the persons for every server and defined a picture in the customize.yaml but neither worked

Really? No ability to choose a picture? I do here, as you can see

Click on the existing picture and you get a file chooser dialog.

Ah yes this dialog i filled out and set pictures for the persons registered in HA but this pictures arnt shown on the server chooser - i dont know why and this is driving me nuts🤣

What do you mean by ‘server chooser’

If you swipe up with three fingers or if you go under settings ->mobile app → server, there i have setup a picture for one server but it doesnt work for the second one. This „picture for the server“ i wanted to change, and it must be possible somehow because one of my servers shows one like seen in the picture above, but i cant find the correct place to set it up:)

Are you talking about one of the companion apps? If so, which one.

Ah im sorry that i doesnt mentioned this, im using the ios and macos companion apps.