I’m trying to use current temperature from Met.IO to operate a water pump. Seems simple enough but I can’t seem to figure it out. I’m trying to cycle a pump for two minutes every hour if temp is below 35 degrees. Any help is appreciated!
In automations you have numeric state as a trigger or condition
I would say you trigger each hour, have a condition to check if temp<35 and then run an action on the pumpt
Thank you!! I’ve been beating my head trying to use “state”. I didn’t think of using numeric value.
If OK then please mark a post for ‘solution’ so others can benefit too (but his is not always possible I learned)
Will do…… finishing up all testing and will post final automation. Thanks for the help.
Here’s what I came up with…… every two hours, if temp is below 35, it calls the “pump preheat” script which cycles a circulation pump for two minutes. There might be an easier way to do the “every two hours” trigger but this seems to work for now.
There is a time pattern trigger for automations. Not sure if it’s available via the UI though. It will greatly simply things: Time pattern trigger and a condition to check the temp.