I read this info https://home-assistant.io/components/binary_sensor.pilight/ and setup my config like this:
- platform: pilight
name: 'RaamDeur'
variable: 'state'
unitcode: 21101678
payload_on: 'on'
payload_off: 'off'
However nothing changes when I trigger the device.
I do see something in the log:
2017-05-21 22:29:17 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event pilight_received[L]: unit=9, protocol=arctech_contact, uuid=0000-b8-27-eb-bf755a, state=closed, id=21101678>
2017-05-21 22:29:23 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event pilight_received[L]: unit=9, protocol=arctech_contact, uuid=0000-b8-27-eb-bf755a, state=opened, id=21101678>
So Hass is seeing something.
Question is: how do I need to setup the component to capture this change.
I already tried a few things but none work.