What is the proper way to set “cert_expiry” host|???
host: mydns.duckdns.org - with this, the badge displays, “-” ‘’(1 dash)
host: duckdns.org - with this’ the badge displays “236”, which is too high
What is the proper way to set “cert_expiry” host|???
host: mydns.duckdns.org - with this, the badge displays, “-” ‘’(1 dash)
host: duckdns.org - with this’ the badge displays “236”, which is too high
I use this:
# Certificate LetsEncrypt - platform: cert_expiry host: !secret my_letsencrypt port: 8123
Note this only updates every 12 hours (I think) so it can show a -
hahaha Just noticed it’s in the secrets file! Not helpful!
host: my-domain.duckdns.org
Thank You, for the clearity… I will add the “port” setting and the rest, like you show, tnen wait 12+ hours…
In my search, I have seen several different examples, including one with,
host: home-assistant.io…