Hi! And Merry Christmas!
I have my Hass.io configured with DuckDNS and NGINX and can successfully access both locally and remotely.
However I can’t access the Configurator page!
I suspect it may be related to Port Forwarding(?).
This is my Network Config —
I have Port 3218 forwarded to Port 3218 on my router.
This is my Log:
INFO:2018-12-24 07:32:42,362:main:Starting server
INFO:2018-12-24 07:32:42,365:main:Listening on:
When I try to access via Web UI I get error message “Policy not fulfilled”
Any help/suggestions, please?
That’s the error you get when you are not allowed to access the configurator. So your port forwarding is fine. When accessing the configurator you should also get messages in the log for those requests. There you’ll see the IP the requests are coming from. Those should be part of the allowed_networks list.
Holiday greetings and thanks for your help.
Do you mean the allowed networks list in the Config section of the Configurator app?
When I try and add an ip address there it won’t accept/save!
I can access when I use https://192.168.1.xxx:3218/ but not when I use https://xxx.duckdns.org