Help needed with scrape selector (Multiscraper)

Hi all,

Is there someone who can help me to get the wright select?

My config looks like this:

- resource:
  authentication: basic
  username: !secret username
  password: !secret password
  scan_interval: 86400
  log_response: true
    - unique_id: essent_kwh_prijs
      name: "kWh prijs"
#      select: "div > div:nth-child(2)" 
      select: "body > app-root > wl-jss-route > sc-placeholder > wl-row-container > div > section > wl-colset-mijn-363 > wl-experience-editor > article > div.col-12.col-lg-6.order-lg-1 > div > wl-show-tariffs-container > wl-experience-editor > wl-show-tariffs > wl-experience-editor > wl-show-tariffs-totals > wl-experience-editor > div > div > div.d-flex.justify-content-between.mb-1 > div.text-right.text-dark.text-nowrap"
      unit_of_measurement: €
      value_template: '{{ value.split("€ ")[1].split("/")[0]}}'

This is what I get when I use the Copy → Copy selector
body > app-root > wl-jss-route > sc-placeholder > wl-row-container > div > section > wl-colset-mijn-363 > wl-experience-editor > article > div.col-12.col-lg-6.order-lg-1 > div > wl-show-tariffs-container > wl-experience-editor > wl-show-tariffs > wl-experience-editor > wl-show-tariffs-totals > wl-experience-editor > div > div > div.d-flex.justify-content-between.mb-1 > div.text-right.text-dark.text-nowrap

Hope that someone can help me.
Thanx in advance!