Help needed with timer configuration

I have a configuration whereby at 1 minute past the hour, a switch is turned on for 1 minute then tuned off. I have used the time_pattern platform to do this; however, I would like it to be every two hours rather than one. Is this possible with time pattern, or do I need a different platform?

- id: '1583445867789'
  alias: Orchidarium Mister Trigger
  description: ''
  - minutes: '01'
    platform: time_pattern
  condition: []
  - device_id: a860d964543040658ef87ff4991abc81
    domain: switch
    entity_id: switch.tuya_switch1
    type: turn_on
  - delay: 00:01:00
  - device_id: a860d964543040658ef87ff4991abc81
    domain: switch
    entity_id: switch.tuya_switch1
    type: turn_off

I think that would be:

  - hours: '/2'
    minutes: '01'
    platform: time_pattern
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