I have a bunch of motion sensors in my home. I’d like to show a graph about when they are triggered.
What I did was to use Apex Chart min/max value to offset the raw vertically. It works ok. But as you can see there are so many sensors and it is very hard to match the color and find which one was triggered.
What I really wanted is to put the names at left side like this:
But I was not able to figure out how to do it. Hope someone can help me on that or point me to some alternative ways to do it.
Here is the Apex Chart code:
type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 48h
height: 300px
stroke_width: 2
opacity: 1
type: column
transform: 'return x === ''on'' ? 1 : 0;'
legend_value: false
show: true
title: Motion
show: true
- id: downstairs
min: -12
max: 1
show: false
- id: living_room
min: -11
max: 2
show: false
- id: upstairs
min: -10
max: 3
show: false
- id: yang_office
min: -9
max: 4
show: false
- id: ying_office
min: -8
max: 5
show: false
- id: gym1
min: -7
max: 6
show: false
- id: gym2
min: -6
max: 7
show: false
- id: garage1
min: -5
max: 8
show: false
- id: garage2
min: -4
max: 9
show: false
- id: dining_room
min: -3
max: 10
show: false
- id: front_yard
min: -2
max: 11
show: false
- id: drive_way
min: -1
max: 12
show: false
- id: backyard
min: 0
max: 13
show: false
- entity: binary_sensor.downstairs_occupancy
name: Downstairs
yaxis_id: downstairs
color: brown
- entity: binary_sensor.living_room_occupancy
name: Living Room
yaxis_id: living_room
color: burlywood
- entity: binary_sensor.upstairs_occupancy
name: Upstairs
yaxis_id: upstairs
color: cornflowerblue
- entity: binary_sensor.yang_office_occupancy
name: Yang Office
yaxis_id: yang_office
color: coral
- entity: binary_sensor.ying_office_occupancy
name: Ying Office
yaxis_id: ying_office
color: cyan
- entity: binary_sensor.gym_motion_sensor_1_occupancy
name: Gym 1
yaxis_id: gym1
color: blueviolet
- entity: binary_sensor.gym_motion_sensor_2_occupancy
name: Gym 2
yaxis_id: gym2
color: darkgoldenrod
- entity: binary_sensor.garage_motion_sensor_1_occupancy
name: Garage 1
yaxis_id: garage1
color: darkmagenta
- entity: binary_sensor.garage_motion_sensor_2_occupancy
name: Garage 2
yaxis_id: garage2
color: darkorchid
- entity: binary_sensor.dining_room_occupancy
name: Dining Room
yaxis_id: dining_room
color: crimson
- entity: binary_sensor.front_yard_motion_sensor_motion
name: Front Yard
yaxis_id: front_yard
color: orange
- entity: binary_sensor.driveway_motion_sensor_motion
name: Driveway
yaxis_id: drive_way
color: red
- entity: binary_sensor.backyard_porch_motion_sensor_motion
name: Backyard
yaxis_id: backyard
color: blue