After installing the BME280 or BMP280, I have no errors and start to have the environmental data, but the installation never ends. Not having the close option, just stop (printscreen attached). This not happen in other ESPHome installations, just with these two BMx280.
Any solving suggestion?
Thank you.
name: teste-bme280
friendly_name: Teste_BME280
board: nodemcuv2
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
key: "dC6NzcuCMtKd/w+LogVZZq6vjL9VgEKvHVgmIJBIDzQ="
password: "e4730d76aeb3b078490c8022703f38b2"
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "Teste-Bme280 Fallback Hotspot"
password: "pP67dP5Se9AK"
sda: D2 # GPIO4 - Pin numbers aren't always required but I use them.
scl: D1 # GPIO5
scan: False # Removing another variable. The scan feature.
- platform: bme280
name: "BME280 Temperature"
oversampling: 16x
name: "BME280 Pressure"
name: "BME280 Humidity"
address: 0x76
update_interval: 60s
INFO ESPHome 2023.8.3
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/teste-bme280.yaml...
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Compiling app...
Processing teste-bme280 (board: nodemcuv2; framework: arduino; platform: platformio/[email protected])
HARDWARE: ESP8266 80MHz, 80KB RAM, 4MB Flash
Dependency Graph
|-- ESPAsyncTCP-esphome @ 1.2.3
|-- ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome @ 2.1.0
|-- DNSServer @ 1.1.1
|-- ESP8266WiFi @ 1.0
|-- ESP8266mDNS @ 1.2
|-- noise-c @ 0.1.4
|-- Wire @ 1.0
Compiling /data/teste-bme280/.pioenvs/teste-bme280/src/main.cpp.o
Linking /data/teste-bme280/.pioenvs/teste-bme280/firmware.elf
RAM: [==== ] 42.3% (used 34628 bytes from 81920 bytes)
Flash: [===== ] 47.2% (used 492733 bytes from 1044464 bytes)
Building /data/teste-bme280/.pioenvs/teste-bme280/firmware.bin
esp8266_copy_factory_bin(["/data/teste-bme280/.pioenvs/teste-bme280/firmware.bin"], ["/data/teste-bme280/.pioenvs/teste-bme280/firmware.elf"])
========================= [SUCCESS] Took 47.55 seconds =========================
INFO Successfully compiled program.
esptool.py v4.6.2
Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
Chip is ESP8266EX
Features: WiFi
Crystal is 26MHz
MAC: a0:20:a6:16:91:08
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 460800
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Flash will be erased from 0x00000000 to 0x00079fff...
Compressed 496880 bytes to 348790...
Wrote 496880 bytes (348790 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 8.0 seconds (effective 495.1 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Hard resetting via RTS pin...
INFO Successfully uploaded program.
INFO Starting log output from /dev/ttyUSB0 with baud rate 115200
[15:22:13][I][logger:262]: Log initialized
[15:22:13][C][ota:469]: There have been 1 suspected unsuccessful boot attempts.
[15:22:13][I][app:029]: Running through setup()...
[15:22:13][I][i2c.arduino:183]: Performing I2C bus recovery
[15:22:13][C][bme280.sensor:086]: Setting up BME280...
[15:22:13][C][wifi:038]: Setting up WiFi...
[15:22:13][C][wifi:048]: Starting WiFi...
[15:22:13][C][wifi:049]: Local MAC: A0:20:A6:16:91:08
[15:22:13][D][wifi:425]: Starting scan...
[15:22:14][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Temperature': Sending state 27.84000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:22:14][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Pressure': Sending state 1005.65704 hPa with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:22:14][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Humidity': Sending state 56.94141 % with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:22:19][D][wifi:440]: Found networks:
[15:22:19][I][wifi:483]: - 'CaoZenAP' (00:31:92:D4:48:78) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[15:22:19][D][wifi:485]: Channel: 2
[15:22:19][D][wifi:486]: RSSI: -35 dB
[15:22:19][I][wifi:483]: - 'CaoZenAP' (6C:5A:B0:0D:D3:44) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[15:22:19][D][wifi:485]: Channel: 2
[15:22:19][D][wifi:486]: RSSI: -69 dB
[15:22:19][D][wifi:488]: - ''[redacted] (02:31:92:A4:48:78) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[15:22:19][D][wifi:488]: - ''[redacted] (6E:5A:B0:2D:D3:44) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[15:22:19][D][wifi:488]: - 'Kinan'[redacted] (CC:20:8C:5B:26:E8) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[15:22:19][D][wifi:488]: - 'ETI9604FC-2G'[redacted] (98:3B:67:96:04:FE) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[15:22:19][I][wifi:274]: WiFi Connecting to 'CaoZenAP'...
[15:22:21][I][wifi:557]: WiFi Connected!
[15:22:21][C][wifi:379]: Local MAC: A0:20:A6:16:91:08
[15:22:21][C][wifi:380]: SSID: 'CaoZenAP'[redacted]
[15:22:22][C][wifi:381]: IP Address:
[15:22:22][C][wifi:382]: BSSID: 00:31:92:D4:48:78[redacted]
[15:22:22][C][wifi:384]: Hostname: 'teste-bme280'
[15:22:22][C][wifi:386]: Signal strength: -39 dB ▂▄▆█
[15:22:22][C][wifi:390]: Channel: 2
[15:22:22][C][wifi:391]: Subnet:
[15:22:22][C][wifi:392]: Gateway:
[15:22:22][C][wifi:393]: DNS1:
[15:22:22][C][wifi:394]: DNS2:
[15:22:22][D][wifi:566]: Disabling AP...
[15:22:22][C][ota:093]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[15:22:22][C][ota:094]: Address: teste-bme280.local:8266
[15:22:22][C][ota:097]: Using Password.
[15:22:22][C][api:025]: Setting up Home Assistant API server...
[15:22:22][I][app:062]: setup() finished successfully!
[15:22:22][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2023.8.3 compiled on Sep 15 2023, 15:21:26
[15:22:22][C][wifi:543]: WiFi:
[15:22:22][C][wifi:379]: Local MAC: A0:20:A6:16:91:08
[15:22:22][C][wifi:380]: SSID: 'CaoZenAP'[redacted]
[15:22:22][C][wifi:381]: IP Address:
[15:22:22][C][wifi:382]: BSSID: 00:31:92:D4:48:78[redacted]
[15:22:22][C][wifi:384]: Hostname: 'teste-bme280'
[15:22:22][C][wifi:386]: Signal strength: -39 dB ▂▄▆█
[15:22:22][C][wifi:390]: Channel: 2
[15:22:22][C][wifi:391]: Subnet:
[15:22:22][C][wifi:392]: Gateway:
[15:22:22][C][wifi:393]: DNS1:
[15:22:22][C][wifi:394]: DNS2:
[15:22:22][C][logger:301]: Logger:
[15:22:22][C][logger:302]: Level: DEBUG
[15:22:22][C][logger:303]: Log Baud Rate: 115200
[15:22:22][C][logger:305]: Hardware UART: UART0
[15:22:22][C][i2c.arduino:053]: I2C Bus:
[15:22:22][C][i2c.arduino:054]: SDA Pin: GPIO4
[15:22:22][C][i2c.arduino:055]: SCL Pin: GPIO5
[15:22:22][C][i2c.arduino:056]: Frequency: 50000 Hz
[15:22:22][C][i2c.arduino:059]: Recovery: bus successfully recovered
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:177]: BME280:
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:178]: Address: 0x76
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:190]: IIR Filter: OFF
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:191]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:193]: Temperature 'BME280 Temperature'
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:193]: Device Class: 'temperature'
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:193]: State Class: 'measurement'
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:193]: Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:193]: Accuracy Decimals: 1
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:194]: Oversampling: 16x
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:195]: Pressure 'BME280 Pressure'
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:195]: Device Class: 'pressure'
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:195]: State Class: 'measurement'
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:195]: Unit of Measurement: 'hPa'
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:195]: Accuracy Decimals: 1
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:196]: Oversampling: 16x
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:197]: Humidity 'BME280 Humidity'
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:197]: Device Class: 'humidity'
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:197]: State Class: 'measurement'
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:197]: Unit of Measurement: '%'
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:197]: Accuracy Decimals: 1
[15:22:22][C][bme280.sensor:198]: Oversampling: 16x
[15:22:22][C][captive_portal:088]: Captive Portal:
[15:22:22][C][mdns:112]: mDNS:
[15:22:22][C][mdns:113]: Hostname: teste-bme280
[15:22:22][C][ota:093]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[15:22:22][C][ota:094]: Address: teste-bme280.local:8266
[15:22:22][C][ota:097]: Using Password.
[15:22:22][C][api:138]: API Server:
[15:22:22][C][api:139]: Address: teste-bme280.local:6053
[15:22:22][C][api:141]: Using noise encryption: YES
[15:23:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Temperature': Sending state 27.48000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:23:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Pressure': Sending state 1005.66425 hPa with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:23:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Humidity': Sending state 58.16211 % with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:24:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Temperature': Sending state 27.36000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:24:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Pressure': Sending state 1005.66687 hPa with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:24:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Humidity': Sending state 59.40820 % with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:25:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Temperature': Sending state 27.25000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:25:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Pressure': Sending state 1005.65405 hPa with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:25:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Humidity': Sending state 59.31445 % with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:26:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Temperature': Sending state 27.23000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:26:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Pressure': Sending state 1005.66718 hPa with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:26:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Humidity': Sending state 59.93848 % with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:27:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Temperature': Sending state 27.19000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:27:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Pressure': Sending state 1005.66827 hPa with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:27:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Humidity': Sending state 59.30762 % with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:27:13][I][ota:113]: Boot seems successful, resetting boot loop counter.
[15:28:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Temperature': Sending state 27.18000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:28:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Pressure': Sending state 1005.60577 hPa with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:28:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Humidity': Sending state 60.14746 % with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:29:02][D][sensor:093]: 'BME280 Temperature': Sending state 27.14000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy