Hi Community!
I got stuck on a small automation in the waste collection universe. I have a value, splitted it to get a “1”, and this should be used as condition for a message “garbage tommorow”…
I tested
{{ (states.sensor.MyButtonCardSensorpapier.state.split(''|'')[1])
==''1'' }}
in the developer template tool and got a “true” here. So I was sure this will work.
I formated this to an automation like this:
- id: 'xyz'
alias: Papiermüllinfo
description: ''
- platform: time
at: '13:00:00'
- condition: template
value_template: '{{ (states.sensor.MyButtonCardSensorpapier.state.split(''|'')[1]) ==''1'' }} '
- service: notify.mobile_app_xxentityxx
message: Morgen wird die Papiertonne abgeholt.
A test from the UI is successfull, but the automation never fires, I cannot find log entries or something.
Do I have a wrong format here? Am I missing the right way to format the conditions?
Has somebody a suggestion for me? THANKS!