Help OR condition in automation

I am trying to create a condition that will check:

sensor.smart_irrigation_zone_1 (bucket) < -10 OR sensor.smart_irrigation_zone_1 > 0 AND weekday = Mon, Fri

This seems to don’t work for me. I am sure I am doing something wrong, any thought? AUtomation gets triggered every morning at 5am and should check that either that 1 sensor attribute is < 10 or that is Mon/Fri and sensor > 0.


condition: or
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_zone_1
    attribute: bucket
    below: -10
  - condition: or
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_zone_1
        above: 0
      - condition: time
          - fri
          - mon

It’s not clear from your description if you want A or (B and C), or if you want (A or B) and C, but assuming it is the first one:

condition: # bucket or (zone and time)
  - condition: or
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_zone_1
        attribute: bucket
        below: -10
      - condition: and
          - condition: numeric_state
            entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_zone_1
            above: 0
          - condition: time
              - fri
              - mon

If it is the second one:

condition: # (bucket or zone) and time
  - condition: or
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_zone_1
        attribute: bucket
        below: -10
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_zone_1
        above: 0
  - condition: time
      - fri
      - mon

First option is what I was looking for.

I am going to try it. Thx!