Help - Pair Emulated Hue and Harmony Hub

Is this possible? I just added the emulated hue to HA today. It appears to be working, harmony sees it but it’s telling me to press the button on the hub to pair. The only topic I found on the subject was this thread which implies it works but has no config info. Any info is much appreciated.


Nevermind. I was too impatient and left my phone sitting in the other room while i came to research. It apparently paired on it’s own. I now see all my lights in the harmony.

Hi Mike … I don’t get passed the press button for pairing screen. Does it still work for you? How long did you wait?

Ok … I could make it work by using the harmony mac app.

Sorry just saw this. Glad you got it sorted out.


I seem to be having this issue. When using the Mac Harmony app, it says pairing for about 60 seconds before a message stating unable to pair.


I’m seeing the same thing. Both on iOS, Mac, and Windows.

If I scan for devices, it finds the hue hub, however I then run into another issue where all of the devices have “no connection.” Harmony Hub + Emulated Hue - "No Connection" in Harmony UI After Pairing in build 0.78