Hi can someone help me please with the following template? Could be complex. I’m struggling for a couple of hours now.
I’ve got 6 sensors that tracks if and how a specific remote is used and knows 2 states:
- “Not used since 01 Sep 24, 13:31 (23 hours ago).”
- “02 Sep 24, 11:56 - Down”
The date, timestamp and command can change, based on how I use the specific remote.
I want to know which remote is used today so that I can use this info for other purposes.
Whatever I try I don’t get the used remotes of today in a list. One of things I tried:
{% set today = now().strftime('%d %b %y') %}
{% set sensors = [
] %}
{% set result = [] %}
{% for sensor in sensors %}
{% set state = states(sensor) %}
{% if state and today in state and not state.startswith('Not used since') %}
{% set result = result + [sensor] %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ result | join(', ') if result else 'No sensors with today\'s date' }}
But I always get the message that there is no sensors that meets the criteria?!
both sensors have a state as follows:
Room1 remote:
Not used since 01 Sep 24, 13:31 (23 hours ago). -
Room2 remote
02 Sep 24, 11:56 - Down
so it should show me the latest sensor because its state include the date of today.
if the first sensor also includes the date of today but is not used, it should be excluded!
if it helps, this is how the “remote” sensors are setup:
- sensor:
- name: Uptime relatively
unique_id: uptime_relatively
state: >-
{{ states("sensor.uptime") | as_datetime | relative_time }}
- name: "Room1 remote"
unique_id: room1_remote
state: >-
{% set fired = state_attr('cover.room1', 'cmd_fired') %}
{% if not fired | is_number %}
Not used since {{ as_timestamp(states('sensor.uptime')) | timestamp_custom('%d %b %y, %H:%M') }} ({{ states('sensor.uptime_relatively') }} ago).
{% else %}
{{ fired | int | timestamp_custom('%d %b %y, %H:%M') }} - {{ state_attr('cover.room1','last_cmd') }}
{% endif %}
any help is appreciated.