Help please - Multiple Homekit bridges not working


Please help, i’m going mad :slight_smile: Hoping for someone who has a working setup of this scenario.

I have surpassed the 150 device limit i need into my HomeKit integration.

I am trying to make 3 HomeKit bridges i can add into HomeKit with different domains on each one so that i keep the device count below 150.

Can someone please let me know what i am doing wrong?

Here is my Config.yaml part for HomeKit:

- name: HomekitBridge1
      - light
      - switch
      - media_player

- name: HomekitBridge2
      - binary_sensor
      - cover
      - automation

- name: HomekitBridge3
      - sensor
      - scene
      - device

Here is the error message i get.

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] Invalid config for [homekit]: contains duplicate items: [51827] for dictionary value @ data['homekit']. Got [OrderedDict([('name', 'HomekitBridge1'), ('filter', OrderedDict([('include_domains', ['light', 'switch', 'media_player'])]))]), OrderedDict([('name', 'HomekitBridge2'), ('filter', OrderedDict([('include_domains', ['binary_sensor', 'cover', 'automation'])]))]), OrderedDict([('name', 'HomekitBridge3'), ('filter', OrderedDict([('include_domains', ['sensor', 'scene', 'device'])]))])]. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 27).

Never mind, i found it :slight_smile:
Apparently since 0.110 HomeAssistant we can add more than one HomeKit bridge directly from the UI. I will go this route for now until i need something that way cannot give me and i start over again :smiley:

For future reference: when defining more than one HomeKit instance, the port needs to be defined for every additional instance. It needs to be other than the default 51827.