I have built a helicoid anemometer and am struggling to understand the logic for the pulse counter - I think I’m overthinking it and confusing myself! Please help me confirm the logic.
The pitch is such that it does:
4,800 revs per mile (pitch 335.28mm and 1,609,344 mm / mile)
19,200 pulses per mile (there are 4 magnets)
So with a 1mph wind it should do:
4,800 revs per hour
19,200 pulses per hour = 320 pulses per minute = 5.333333 pulses per second
The pulse detector issues negative pulses so I’ve configured the sensor as follows:
The pulse_counter platform always reports in pulses/min, derived from the pulses/sample time, so you have to take that into account in your filter. Here’s an example of mine:
- platform: pulse_counter
pin: 12
name: "Water Usage"
update_interval: 10s
force_update: true
unit_of_measurement: 'gal'
# reports in pulses/min, so divide by 6 and by 64 pulses per gallon
multiply: 0.0026041667