HELP REQUEST - Missing Z-wave devices. Z-Wave JS "Retrying setup: None" error

Guess not… deleted that with no effect

Perhaps a bug, you might want to create an issue. The options look correct to me, so it could just be a misleading error message with some other underlying issue.

Or you could take this moment to switch to Z-Wave JS UI. The integration tries to be smart and configure and manage the core add-on. If you switch to Z-Wave JS UI you don’t need to worry about that.

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Is the Z-Wave JS UI considered “best practice”? If so, I will probably take the time to do that.

It gives you the most options and flexibility, many users prefer it. The main benefit in my eye is a much better troubleshooting experience. The Z-Wave JS add-on really falls flat when it comes to that. It is still the “preferred” choice by the HA org of course, as they maintain it and it provides the managed installation (which is giving you headaches ATM).

If you follow the instructions, you can just swap it in and HA won’t notice the difference.

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Well… I tried to install the JS UI and it also wouldn’t start. So, I went to my other add-ons, like Samba Share and File Editor, and they also show the same behavior - red dot but logs are okay. I tried to launch the File Editor and it says “Add-on is not running. Please start it first”. Seems like it’s a wider issue than just Z-wave. Not sure where to go from here. Any ideas?

Currently trying this

Well, apparently you do have bigger problems, those which are beyond my abilities (I guess ignoring the red dot was not the right answer, but in the past it was inaccurate due to bugs, probably fixed…).

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That fixed it.

To be clear, the fix was to navigate to System–>Hardware–>Overflow dots (3 on top right)–>Reboot System. And… this is not the same as rebooting HA. I’d already tried that several times.

… and that was my Sunday. Haha. Well thanks for all your input @ freshcoast!