Help Request - Rasberry PI HA boot issue "Frame reassembly failed (-84)

Hi all,

Im quite new to Home Assistant and coding in general.

I set my HA up last week on a rasberry PI 4 and its been running great since, with all my automations etc.

Today however i couldn’t access it either from my cloudflare webaddress, or local ip address remotely, only using my pc connected to router could i connect to the ip succesfully, i decided to restart HA and since then i was not able to get it to boot again.

When connecting the hdmi cable and restarting the rasberry pi i get a ton of these commands:
" [699.67115] bluetooth: hci0 : Frame reassembly failed (-84)"

Anyone could point me in the right direction?

Many thanks

Did you solve the problem?
I got the same messages from my HA.

do you have any solution?