Help request: Unable to Install Node-RED "Credential_Secret" Field is absent

I am unable to install Node-RED. When I review the installation instructions and other tutorials, I see there should be a field under “Options” to enter a “credential_secret”, but I do not have that option (see screenshot).

Node-RED does not start when I try toggling the start button.

Any suggestions?

The three dot menu on the right, choose edit in yaml and add it at the end. Save and restart.

log_level: info
credential_secret: your_credential_secret
safe_mode: false
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The Credentials Secret setting was made optional as a breaking change in V16.0.0 last November

I can’t test a new install myself, but my expectation is that the option for credential secret should not be there, should not require setting, and should not be an issue if not set. Documentation is, of course, another matter.

You do, however, appear to have ‘ssl’ set to on. This is often a cause of start up issues. Try turning that setting off.

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Thanks @Biscuit. It was the enabled SSL that was the problem. I thought I’d disabled it, but I hadn’t saved the change. After ensuring the change was saved, everything worked fine.