Help required using HA with own domain

I would like to make my HA instance accessible using my own domain name using a secure connection. However, all the guides talk about duckdns etc.

I want to use, for example, is already registered (obviously) and so is the sub-domain

I have set up Dynamic DNS on my router so my public IP is kept up to date.
I have set up my own SSL certificate auto-renewing Let’s Encrypt certificates.
My router will also resolve to my local HA instance and I get the padlock SSL certificate in the browser when on the internal network.

Yes all the hard stuff is done!

However, when I attempt to access or externally I cannot get to HA.

I did add a firewall port forward to the internal IP and port, but does not seem to work. Is there something else needed? Some people talk of base_url in configuration.yaml but others say do not set it.

BTW I am currently using Nabu Casa. Will that need to be disabled first? Or can both mechanisms work in parallel? Personally I do not see why they cannot be used together.

  1. Generally you need to go to domain host and set that to forward to your duckdns, home ip, or whatever

  2. After that you need to forward ports at your router to reach appropriate server

Do you know if you did #1 or #2 already?

Figured it out. I had not set up the port forward correctly. pfsense firewall is great, but complicated!