I would like to make my HA instance accessible using my own domain name using a secure connection. However, all the guides talk about duckdns etc.
I want to use, for example, https://ha.mydomain.com
mydomain.com is already registered (obviously) and so is the sub-domain ha.mydomain.com
I have set up Dynamic DNS on my router so my public IP is kept up to date.
I have set up my own SSL certificate auto-renewing Let’s Encrypt certificates.
My router will also resolve https://ha.mydomain.com:8123 to my local HA instance and I get the padlock SSL certificate in the browser when on the internal network.
Yes all the hard stuff is done!
However, when I attempt to access https://ha.mydomain.com:8123 or https://ha.mydomain.com externally I cannot get to HA.
I did add a firewall port forward to the internal IP and port, but does not seem to work. Is there something else needed? Some people talk of base_url in configuration.yaml but others say do not set it.
BTW I am currently using Nabu Casa. Will that need to be disabled first? Or can both mechanisms work in parallel? Personally I do not see why they cannot be used together.