Help RESTful integration Awtrix HA

Hi All,
Thanks for our work about HA !

I need yout help, i want to integration Awtrix (LED MATRIX) to my HA with REST.
I have created REST INTEGRATION on my config.yaml

  • rest_command:
  • awtrix_notify:
  • url: http://IP/api/v3/settings
  • method: POST
  • payload: ‘{“Brightness”: “70”}’
  • content_type: ‘application/json’

When I send my service “rest_command.awtrix_notify” in developper tools, it work fine :slight_smile:
But is it possible to create an variable for value of Brightness (70 in my example) ? How can I do that ?
When i send my service “rest_command.awtrix_notify”, I want to send Brightness in parameter.

Thanks for your help !

Just use the normal template style. whatever you put inside the {{ }} will be the variable(s) you need to pass into your command.

      url: http://IP/api/v3/settings
      method: POST
      payload: '{“Brightness”: "{{ brightness_variable_name }}" }’
      content_type: ‘application/json’

Now when you call this command, pass in the data of brightness to it. Example automation:

- alias: Awtrix Test
    platform: time
    at: "22:00:00"
    - service: rest_command.awtrix_notify
      data: {"brightness_variable_name":"100"}

The data is a json array of all of the variables you want to replace.

After doing this, try it in the developer tools. You’ll have to build the json array as the payload in the gui.

  "brightness_variable_name" : "70"
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