HELP! Restore from backup caused both Studio Code Server and File Editor to fail!

Come to think of it, sometimes the page do not get updated on addons, so you do not see it as started.
Try to force refresh the page.
In some browsers it is CTRL+F5, others Shift+F5 and others might have yet another way, so check your manual or Google it.

No I canā€™t

No it is nowhere that simple. I have done everything including a complete repeat of the restore

BTW I noticed that part of my dashboard has disappeared too :angry:

I think they are just devices that have gone offline - a different problem. Like you, I cannot see anything that explains why the Studio Code Server and File Editor would stop working. I have seen other postings of similar problems but no solution. I am really stumped!

Hey guys I am desperate here. What do I do? 24 hours ago I had a working system with no issues that had been running for six months, now I am bouncing around between ZHA failure, SniTun server failure and no working file editor. What do I do? Erase the disk and rebuild my whole system from scratch? Switch to another product?? I am finding it hard to understand how things could so quickly go so badly wrong! :cry: :frowning_face: :angry: :thinking: :grimacing:

Possibly related Studio Code Server issues

If you reinstall, then you can still extract a lot of your setup from the backup by opening it in compression program, like zip or 7-zip. I use 7-zip, because it is free.

I still think you can save it though, but you need to scavenge the logs for small clues.
I think it has something to do with your docker setup here, but I have no info to tell me what it is.

I am running HASSIO not Docker. There is a lot in the log files but I cannot find anything that appears relevant, and the Studio Code Server addon log seems to say everything is fine.

I donā€™t know how to do that ā€¦ what am I looking for?

I dread the prospect. First problem is that I do not have my SD card writer here on site. If I did re-install HA I could reload the backup but who knows it wonā€™t cause the same problem again? And I suppose that I would have to re-install all my ZigBee devices? A mammoth task ā€“ it would take me a week. Why is there not a simpler fix?

It might be a dummy question, but have you already tried to reboot the host?

Many times! And it reboots itself after a full backup restore.

Suspecting a permissions error somewhere in the file system I am using Terminal to look at the HA file structure, though I am no Linux expertā€¦

The apparently empty /config directory would seem to be a clue?

I do not see how it could be really empty because HA is running and if I run the check in developer tools it says there is no problem.

Any suggestions?

Are you sure you have reinstalled a full backup and not just a partial?
Open your backup file with a program like 7-zip to see what is in it.

Yes I am. Well, I tried both.

Resolved (but not solved)

Blow me down, after alternately banging my head against a brick wall and panicking for 48 hours the problem went away on its own! :clap: :partying_face:

Well, presumably not quite, but the only thing I did in the 12 hours before it resolved itself was a shutdown because I had to turn off the mains to do some unrelated electrical work. My best guess is that there is some kind of difference between ā€œrestartingā€ the system from within HA, and shutting it down and then starting it?

I still do not know what caused it in the first place (something to do with restoring backups?), or why a shutdown and start again is different from a restart ā€“ and I donā€™t feel like reproducing the problem to test this theory (!) ā€“ but if it happens again, that is the first thing I will try.

Both the backup restore and restart vs shutdown deficiencies are still serious because this is an installation I usually manage remotely for someone else. To execute a shutdown and start I need to be on site. Therefore I no longer dare implement any update remotely because I now know that I cannot rely on restoring a backup remotely if something goes wrong.

There is certainly a difference between ā€œRestart Home Assistantā€ (like under Developer Tools) and ā€œRestart the hostā€ (Settings > System > Hardware > Reboot System). And problems related to Add-ons not running after a restore are commonly resolved by a ā€œRestart the hostā€. :wink:
This is the reason Iā€™ve asked that before:

But as I understood you have tried that without success, right?

At least we all learned something new. :wink:

I had the same thing happen to me yesterday. Many of my add-one refuse to load, including File Editor and Studio Code Server. Oddly, although File Editor says it canā€™t restart, it actually seems to be running (it replaced the Terminal)

All of my automations are still running, but at some point last night I lost the ability to access the server from both the app and a browser.

I will try restarting the Yellow sometime this morning. My original plan was to do a factory reset and load my latest backup. I may still do that even if it works after the restart, as I feel there may be other underlying issues not noticeable.

UPDATE: I shut down the Yellow using the blue button, disconnected the power source for a few minutes then restarted. It is running, the automations are working, but I still have no access to the interface through either the app or browser on my phone.

Looks like the factory reset is my only choice now. :rage:

This s not the same. The original problem on this thread was about add-ons not running after a restore, but you have a different situation, as your add-ons stopped without any relation to a restore.
I would suggest you o create another topic for this specific case.

No, this was after a restore as well.

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