Help setting tasmota timers over mqtt

Hi, i am hoping someone can help me create a button that can send a json string to tasmota power strip that will set the timer at a time set by input_datetime.
i can publish this string: {“Enable”:1,“Time”:“01:00”,“Window”:0,“Days”:"-------",“Repeat”:1,“Output”:2,“Action”:1}

and the timer is activated at 04.00, however if i try: {“Enable”:1,“Time”:"( states(“input_datetime.timer_2_on”, “timestamp”) | timestamp_custom("%H.%M", False) )",“Window”:0,“Days”:"-------",“Repeat”:1,“Output”:2,“Action”:1}


{“Enable”:1,“Time”:"{{ state_attr(“input_datetime.timer_1_off”, “timestamp”) | timestamp_custom("%H.%M", False) }}",“Window”:0,“Days”:"-------",“Repeat”:1,“Output”:1,“Action”:0}

i get an invalid json error, i am guessing i will need to create a sensor that inserts the time into the json string then somehow send that sensor state.

can anybody point me in the right direction to make this happen? the idea is the tasmota timers retain function if the network is down so i perform automations with HA and set basic failsafe timers to ensure lights are off at the critical times.


I am trying the same thing and nothing seems to work. I’ve been searching for hours now…

When I enter the following command in the commandline of tasmota, it sets the time accordingly.

Timer1 {"Enable":1,"Time":"02:23"}

Now when I want to send this command via MQTT, tasmota only throws a “invalid JSON”

I’ve tried many things suggested on other articles like escaping the " with backslashes, but many others as well, see below

Timer1 {\"Enable\":1,\"Time\":\"02:23\"}
'Timer1 {\"Enable\":1,\"Time\":\"02:23\"}'
{Timer1 {\"Enable\":1,\"Time\":\"02:23\"}}
Timer1\ {\"Enable\":1,\"Time\":\"02:23\"}
'Timer1 {"Enable":1,"Time":"02:23"}'

I have no idea what the problem is here and how to tackle it.

There is surely something wrong in the formatting, but I cannot find any informations on how to do this properly, hope someone can point me in the right direction.

EDIT: Found the solution!
“Timer1” needs to be removed, then it works. The correct timer is set by the topic.
So for Timer1 I use cmnd/timer1

This is not at all what the tasmota documentation says, but well…