Help setup devices for control with "HomeKit Controller" Component

Hi there,
I’ve seen a couple of posts on this component and I’m very excited about it, but seem unable to figure out how to get these devices (light switches) to show up in HA for control. I removed the devices (Insignia WiFi switches) from the Insignia control and then was able to setup the devices in HA with the HomeKit #. However they do not show up in entities or anywhere that I can see in order to place them in a group.

Can someome who has set this up please help with the syntax to make them available for control in the UI.

The “HomeKit Controller” Component is not to be confused with the “HomeKit” Component.



I’m having the same issue here. I have some iDevices switches and can add them via the PIN code but then they just disappear.

The list seems to be growing… i also entered an issue on this one, so not sure what is going on. I will say that I have a NanoLeaf and added it by Homekit and it showed up as light.aurora so maybe as it’s not all devices that we’re not getting better support. my devices having trouble are Insignia light switches.

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Can you please post a link to your issue? I am having the same issue.

Not working:
iDevices Switch - Adds via Homekit Controller, but disappears.
Hunter Fan - Adds via Homekit Controller, the lights work, but the fan is invisible/not there.

Thank you.

That link should get you there and you’ll see that a pending patch has been created by mjg59 and hopefully will be a fix in a future release unless you can apply the patch yourself.

Awesome, thank you. Seems like there is another linked issue that will fix the fan issue as well. Cheers!

Any ideas how to apply this fix with

Hi Kim, were you able to figure out how to apply this patch? I’m running into the exact same issue.

I bought a pi and set up home assistant specifically for this functionality :confused: A bit frustrating to find it plain doesn’t work.

No, I haven’t found a solution yet.

The patch I tried from @mjg59 did not work on 0.72.1 and I am now on 0.73.1 and still not working. I am waiting for some feedback from the HomeKit controller developer and hope to hear something soon.

Thank you for pursuing this the way you have. definitely please post if you find a solution, I’ll do the same.

One note is I actually had one switch add successfully and I’m not sure why. I realized late last night I had updated the firmware on that switch but not the others so when I get home today I’m going to try taking all switches off the network and disconnecting all homekit hosts from the network so there can be no confusing signals and hopefully I’ll be able to get some more switches connected.

Is that your zwave leviton switch? I have many Zooz switches as well as a leviton working on zwave in HA and I have a tp-link WiFi working but my Insignia has no HA component, so I need the HomeKit controller to expose them as HA entities.

My switches are all leviton z-wave switches intended for homekit

For the switches you have working - are those homekit switches? The issue I’m seeing seems to be specific to the homekit switches. If I am able to add a switch (which I successfully did once) then I had no issue exposing that switch from HA to homekit via homekit.

The issue seems to be with homekit controller and detecting paired switches. I can pair successfully but the switch never shows up as a component on the lights card (except for once, I’m not sure why it worked the first time then stopped working thereafter).