Help Shortening "Display" code (n00b help)

I’ve purchased a TTGO to get familiar with the Display settings for ESPHOME which is very useful has it has some integrated buttons too.

Couple of things I’m trying to get better at

  1. Avoid “repeating” the same code (as I use same for each screen, just amendments)
  2. Screen a little more “pleasant” (a lot of overlapping etc)

The first thing is, I have the button action dependant on which screen I’m on…
Is there a better way to do this? Rather than having an ‘IF’ for each screen?

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO35
      inverted: true
    name: "T-Display Button Input 1"
    id: tdisplay_button_input_1
    - if:
            id: my_display
            page_id: page3
          - homeassistant.service:
              service: light.toggle
                entity_id: light.j_office
    - if:
            id: my_display
            page_id: page4
          - homeassistant.service:
              service: light.toggle
                entity_id: light.office_2

Now the horrible part. Obviously I got one screen working, then just copied the code and edited for each page.
Surely there is a better way to reference the whole thing and return it once?
Just not sure how the service to toggle the lights will be handled…

      - id: page3
        lambda: |-
          it.rectangle(0,  0, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(0, 40, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue));   // header bar
          it.rectangle(0, 80, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue));   // header bar          

          it.rectangle(0, 40, it.get_width(), 40, id(my_red));
          it.print(5, 15, id(helvetica_12), "Light automations running...");
          if (id(light_auto_running).state) {
            it.image(140, 5, id(lamp_on));
          else {
            it.image(140, 5, id(lamp_off));
          it.print(5, 45, id(helvetica_12), "J Light...");
          if (id(jbedroom_light).state) {
            it.image(140, 45, id(lamp_on));
          else {
            it.image(140, 45, id(lamp_off));
          it.print(5, 85, id(helvetica_12), "Landing Light...");
          if (id(landing_light).state) {
            it.image(140, 85, id(lamp_on));
          else {
            it.image(140, 85, id(lamp_off));
      - id: page4
        lambda: |-
          it.rectangle(0,  0, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(0, 40, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue));   // header bar
          it.rectangle(0, 80, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue));   // header bar          

          it.rectangle(0, 80, it.get_width(), 40, id(my_red));
          it.print(5, 15, id(helvetica_12), "Light automations running...");
          if (id(light_auto_running).state) {
            it.image(140, 5, id(lamp_on));
          else {
            it.image(140, 5, id(lamp_off));
          it.print(5, 45, id(helvetica_12), "J Light...");
          if (id(jbedroom_light).state) {
            it.image(140, 45, id(lamp_on));
          else {
            it.image(140, 45, id(lamp_off));
          it.print(5, 85, id(helvetica_12), "Landing Light...");
          if (id(landing_light).state) {
            it.image(140, 85, id(lamp_on));
          else {
            it.image(140, 85, id(lamp_off));