I’ve purchased a TTGO to get familiar with the Display settings for ESPHOME which is very useful has it has some integrated buttons too.
Couple of things I’m trying to get better at
- Avoid “repeating” the same code (as I use same for each screen, just amendments)
- Screen a little more “pleasant” (a lot of overlapping etc)
The first thing is, I have the button action dependant on which screen I’m on…
Is there a better way to do this? Rather than having an ‘IF’ for each screen?
- platform: gpio
number: GPIO35
inverted: true
name: "T-Display Button Input 1"
id: tdisplay_button_input_1
- if:
id: my_display
page_id: page3
- homeassistant.service:
service: light.toggle
entity_id: light.j_office
- if:
id: my_display
page_id: page4
- homeassistant.service:
service: light.toggle
entity_id: light.office_2
Now the horrible part. Obviously I got one screen working, then just copied the code and edited for each page.
Surely there is a better way to reference the whole thing and return it once?
Just not sure how the service to toggle the lights will be handled…
- id: page3
lambda: |-
it.rectangle(0, 0, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue));
it.rectangle(0, 40, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue)); // header bar
it.rectangle(0, 80, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue)); // header bar
it.rectangle(0, 40, it.get_width(), 40, id(my_red));
it.print(5, 15, id(helvetica_12), "Light automations running...");
if (id(light_auto_running).state) {
it.image(140, 5, id(lamp_on));
else {
it.image(140, 5, id(lamp_off));
it.print(5, 45, id(helvetica_12), "J Light...");
if (id(jbedroom_light).state) {
it.image(140, 45, id(lamp_on));
else {
it.image(140, 45, id(lamp_off));
it.print(5, 85, id(helvetica_12), "Landing Light...");
if (id(landing_light).state) {
it.image(140, 85, id(lamp_on));
else {
it.image(140, 85, id(lamp_off));
- id: page4
lambda: |-
it.rectangle(0, 0, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue));
it.rectangle(0, 40, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue)); // header bar
it.rectangle(0, 80, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue)); // header bar
it.rectangle(0, 80, it.get_width(), 40, id(my_red));
it.print(5, 15, id(helvetica_12), "Light automations running...");
if (id(light_auto_running).state) {
it.image(140, 5, id(lamp_on));
else {
it.image(140, 5, id(lamp_off));
it.print(5, 45, id(helvetica_12), "J Light...");
if (id(jbedroom_light).state) {
it.image(140, 45, id(lamp_on));
else {
it.image(140, 45, id(lamp_off));
it.print(5, 85, id(helvetica_12), "Landing Light...");
if (id(landing_light).state) {
it.image(140, 85, id(lamp_on));
else {
it.image(140, 85, id(lamp_off));