Help ! Solution for MQTT control Garage door by ESP8226 Nodemcu with 3 relays (OPEN / STOP / CLOSE)

Sorry for my ignorance, but I really need your help.
I have a rolling door, using remote control via Blynk software. And I checked, it uses ESP8266 module with 3 relays to control: OPEN (D6), STOP (D7), CLOSE (D8). That is when I have not combined with home assistant (Pi 3+).

After that, I tried many ways (GarHage, GarageDoor_MQTT_JSON, …) to integrate into Hass but not effective, can only open but not close the garage door and of course it cannot stop it while closing. I’m really confused because there are no instructions for the module set with 3 relays OPEN, STOP, CLOSE.

Here are some pictures of my devices. I hope plus hassio will help me solve this problem.

Welcome to home assistant. Do you know what firmware is loaded on your esp8266? Where did you get it?

Thank for your help.

Yes, my esp8266 nodemcu 1.0 (ESP-12E module).
I was try many firmware but not compatible with my esp8266 module 3 relays.


I would start with tasmota, or if you want to be more in control try esphome.

Yes, i can flash tasmota, but i don’t know using esphome. esphome manage original firmware or manage tasmota firmware. I’m using esphome for my device tasmota firmware, but did’nt connect to my device.