Help! Subview not accessible/editable after yaml path edit

I just screwed up one of my subviews by manually editing the yaml code for the view. I think I added lovelace/ to the path and the back_path, and now when trying to access it, it shows the home view. Clicking on the subview in the topbar won’t get me anywhere either.

How can I edit or delete the subview in question?

I thought I’d add some information to what actually happens. When I click a button, with the setting:

  action: url
  url_path: m_sub-solar

it opens a new window showing the following address: http://[url]:8123/lovelace/m_sub-solar
but it is showing the same view as http://[url]:8123/lovelace/0 or my Home view.

When I click the “Edit UI” button in HA, I am presented with a view icon that is the one for my subview. Clicking that icon keeps me on the Home View tab and highlights its icon, but now with the url http://[url]:8123/lovelace/lovelace/m_sub-solar?edit=1.

There seems to be no way to edit or delete the subview I likely screw up by entering the wrong url in the yaml code, or is it hidden in the config files somewhere?

Any help appreciated!

Does anybody know where the YAML code for the views is stored?

Edit, then raw configuration editor


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Thank you very much! Problem solved!