Help to choose a touch screen for clock/ha dashboard viewer


I know it is maybe a bit simple question, so I hope it is too simple.

My question is that I want to build a simple nightstand clock with a raspberry pi and a touch screen so I can see the time, use google assistant and maybe view some information like ha motioneye camera.

So I remember in the old days, people would advice not to have a still picture on a lcd screen because it would burn itself into the frame.

I was thinking of buying this monitor because of the price, size and the option to turn off backlight. (I added the link below)

So would that be a good model for always to be on if I would just turn off the backlight? Or would it be better to choose a other type of touchscreen?

Thanks for your time


usually the price of a touchscreen + raspberry is way more than a tablet. Look for amazon tablets as they are cheap and works fine.

Hello Clyra

Sadly I cant buy a amazon fire tablet in Denmark. I am able to use amazon uk and de and both wont deliever that device to Denmark.

The good news however is that I have a raspberry 2b laying around so I was thinking of using that for the project. I just need the touch screen and some sort of cheap cover (I think i saw some for around 10€, or less)

But I am still happy that you took the time to reply, thank you.