Help to customize the icon and label color using theme in CustomUI

Dear community,

I am new to CustomUI. I am trying to set the icon color using frontend theme but it does not work for me (works fine via templates.icon_color). Also extra data is not displayed. What I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.

    - /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui.html
    - /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui-es5.html
      primary-text-color: '#FFC000'
      paper-item-icon-color: '#FFC000'
      paper-item-icon-active-color: '#FFC000'
      primary-text-color: '#FF0000'
      paper-item-icon-color: '#FF0000'
      paper-item-icon-active-color: '#FF0000'

      custom_ui_state_card: state-card-custom-ui
        theme: >
          if (attributes.bin_full) return 'alert_red';
          if (attributes.status === 'Charging') return 'alert_yellow';
      extra_data_template: >
        return attributes.status + (attributes.bin_full ? ' (bin full)' : '')

Fear you are running into ine of the no longer supported customizations in nowadays Lovelace/Ha versioning.

per entity theming was great, but all my own themes are only visible clicking the entity for the more-info pop-up. Have a look if those show what you are looking for.

Custom-ui does still work for icon_color though, so you should be able to color them depending on whatever state you throw at the customization.

You can check if that would work, by replacing ‘theme’ with icon_color and the colors with a valid css color name

Thanks for reply!

per entity theming was great, but all my own themes are only visible clicking the entity for the more-info pop-up

OK, what you mean is that theming does not work for entity icon + text for you as well? I don’t need theming of popup…

You can check if that would work, by replacing ‘theme’ with icon_color and the colors with a valid css color name

That what I have initially did, and (right you are) icon_color works just fine but how can I set the color of the text next to icon (known as primary-text-color in theme)?