Help to setup sensor Alarm

i have bought zwave sensor based alarm and successfully paired.below is entity

  sensor.__alarm_level_2_1	0	
    friendly_name:   Alarm Level
    wake_up_interval: 3600
    battery_level: 100
    node_id: 2   
 sensor.__alarm_type_2_0	0	
    friendly_name:   Alarm Type
    wake_up_interval: 3600
    battery_level: 100
    node_id: 2
    sensor.__battery_level_2_0	100	
    wake_up_interval: 3600

    friendly_name:   Battery Level
    node_id: 2
    battery_level: 100
    unit_of_measurement: %

    friendly_name:   Sensor
    wake_up_interval: 3600
    battery_level: 100
    node_id: 2 

please help me setup alarm on bases on motion.
any small example will be usefull

did you ever find out anything about this? I was looking for the same help. I can get the alarm to go off with the new automation gui but I’m not sure how to set it to a specific sound and volume for a specific action…