Hi, I learned to use node-red while recovering from surgery and successfully created my first flow (filling a tank from my bore incl the Hydrawise API) - yay
During the debugging, I felt like I needed to be able to stop that flow while I trouble shooted the issue. Google returned this article How would I break or stop a running flow in node-red? - Stack Overflow where some changes to the settings.js file would add these options to the deploy button.
The settings.js file didn’t exist, so I created it and it appeared in the YAML file too!
It hasn’t worked. Is this a limitation of node-red in HA or am I missing something?
You’re probably looking for the settings file in the wrong place. Assuming you’re using the addon for Home Assistant, you will have to connect to the HA machine (not by using the SSH addon) and then you will find it in the following folder:
However it’s not completely clear what you mean by “stop” a flow. Normally you would just have something like a switch node that if it fails the condition, the flow does not continue. Can you post your flow (as both a pic and the source exported as compact JSON surrounded by ```)?
It helps when you have the right location for the settings file. All sorted now.
It’s not easy to explain stopping a flow. It was to stop the flow I was trouble shooting to give me time to think, rather than it keep running and doing the wrong thing.
But it looks like you can only deploy all flows and not be selective? I’ve disabled the flows I’m working on and aren’t ready to be put into action. Is that how people manage this?
The deploy drop down, modified nodes only. You don’t really ever want to use anything else. Yes if there is a problem either delete the line connection, or disable the trigger/looping node.