Help troubleshooting an automation

Hi there. I have the following automation in my automations.yaml file:

- id: lights
  alias: Turn all the lights off when the front door flic is pressed
  - event_data:
      button_name: flic_80e4da741f01
      click_type: single
    event_type: flic_click
    platform: event
    service: light.turn_off
       - light.kitchen__dining_room
       - light.bedroom
       - light.living_room

HA is recognising the flic being clicked, but it’s not actually doing anything - it should simply turn those three lights off. When I try and edit the customisation via the UI, the page just doesn’t load fully.

My log is showing:

mapping values are not allowed here
  in "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/automations.yaml", line 11, column 16

Any advice troubleshooting this would be hugely appreciated. Thanks.

Half fixed this. I now have the automation working - it turns out HA doesn’t like dealing wiht lights that are grouped by Hive. For example, my “bedroom” light above is a Hive group that actually contains three different bulbs. When I list them all individually under entity_id, it works!

However, the logs are still returning the error as per above, and the automation editor won’t load.

Indentation error. entity_id needs to line up under service:

    service: light.turn_off
      - light.kitchen__dining_room
      - light.bedroom
      - light.living_room

Well that was easy :slight_smile: Thank you!