Help us name a Home Assistant installation method (Polls added)

Whilst I don’t disagree that it may mean nothing, it does represent what it is (a process used on a Bare Metal machine), but, it was just a thought. You don’t select a car based on the name. You buy it based on the set of features it offers. Anyone who is that clueless will not be swayed by any of the names. They will look at the table and select the one that gives them what they want.

In addition, anyone doing this will not be totally clueless as they, at a minimum, need to understand how to burn an image.

Yes to all of the above. I think it makes sense to have “Home Assistant” be in all of the names. If users wish to then abbreviate that to “HA” when discussing it in forums and such, that’s fine. But I don’t think “HA” should be used in official names.

And I think the names for the other installation methods are fine already, they should remain how they are. I don’t really see much complaints or confusion around those.

There was something called the Raspberry Pi All-In-One Installer which was deprecated back in 2017. A long enough time has passed now to where I think it wouldn’t be a huge problem if the name was re-used, but that isn’t up to me of course.

As for “OS” that is currently in use and I feel like Pascal’s opinion on that should be given much higher importance than anyone else since that’s what he works on, that’s his baby. If Pascal says no we should all just respect that.

So those are the two most “iffy” names of the bunch. I think it was good to allow voting on them anyway, because now there’s more data the team can use to make an informed decision. And the beauty of doing the polls as multiple choice is that everyone was given the opportunity to select their second and third favorite choices as well, so even if one name gets tossed out, nobody really wasted a vote here.

While the poll and the Git hub Pull request are in relation to the full OS+Core+Supervisor+Addons installation method, the naming of the other methods should be also be considered so that there is the best chance for a cohesive nomenclature.

almost 100% sure this isn’t being considered at all.

You would be surprised how many don’t know how they installed HA, this was evident in some of the other posts recently. Presuming they may not be clueless to not know about bare metal installs is best avoided

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HassOS is not unloved nor a model of HA, its the underlying Operating System that a huge number of HA users currently run, whether they realise it or not. ie: Any user running Home Assistant (the old HassIO) installed via the ‘Getting Started’ docs to setup a Raspberry Pi will have HassOS. Likewise the ‘standard’ NUC image will install HassOS as the base Operating System on which Home Assistant then runs.

I should have been clear, I meant the name because of other connotations.

No I wouldn’t at all. Which is why I think the’model’ needs to be front and center as that will then help when providing help.

Home assistant bowel movement. That’s what I see.


I think that pretty much misses the entire point of why users didn’t like the renaming of “hassio” to Home Assistant".

And that is exactly the point…

It’s not that it was “repurposing an existing name for something else”, it was that it repurposed the product name for an install method.

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That is what I meant, though phrased poorly.

Anyway, it appears the most popular choice overall was “All-in-One” and Paulus has just updated the ADR to use that name instead of “One.”


I know the term “HassOS” has it’s meaning already, but it’s not like calling the install method “HassOS install” is going to hurt anything IMHO. I mean, it might cause confusion if folks were like using HassOS on their 3d printers, but I bet all HassOS installs are running HA as an appliance on pi or similar. So there’s little to separate a “HassOS” install from “HA-one”. IDK… calling it “Hassos Install” also helps keep focus on the underlying os, vs calling it “HA-one because we didn’t want to steal the OS’s name” and ensuing confusion.

edit: I guess “Home Assistant OS” is a happy medium… I’m voting that. I see “All-in-One” is popular as well. I’m cool with that, since it conveys that no other software is needed. Still think though, keeping the hassos part in the name somehow, adds even more relevant information to the name… lest some tireless bloke releases a preconfigured debian image with ha and calls it an “HA all-in-one”, lol. That won’t happen with HAOS.

All-in-One, so say we all!

… or at least until next week when we abbreviate it to AIO.

AIO! AI-O! Voting’s done and me wan’ go Home.

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No need to to wait that long…

Long Live HA AIO! :wink:

No, really, I like it… :slightly_smiling_face:

For that reason I think the All-In-One name should not be used. It only brings more confusion to the table. Two ways of writing it, makes SEO a bitch. And I believe only we will call it AIO and newcomers will search for All-In-One and miss half of the information they are looking for. And for the people who are writhing All-In-One the - is a hell to repeat in the name on mobile devices.
Just my two cents. I voted Suite!

Long live TLA’s… :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

It wasn’t my favorite choice either for that exact reason, but I think that problem can be mitigated by just putting a brief note in the documentation like this:

Home Assistant All-in-One (abbreviated “AIO”) is our all-inclusive home automation system. Best in class home automation is complemented with a UI for configuring your system, making backups and safe updates with automatic rollback.

I do think of all the naming suggestions it’s the most self-explanatory one for brand new users.


The SEO part you can’t solve though and if people are not on this forum yet they tend to search with Google (or alike) and can’t find anything because they might search for All-In-One and not getting the answer they are looking for because in that topic everybody is only talking about AIO. Yes, eventually Google will figure it out, but that might take years.

I seriously don’t think it will be as big of a problem as some think it will be.

it will help if the forum users will use both in their posts for a few weeks just like (most) people did when transitioning from hassio. It wasn’t very helpful then because of the repurposed/renaming issue previously discussed.

I’m sure a few “All-in-One (AIO) (formerly hassio)” posts (like this one :wink:) will get the transition taking hold fairly easily. The biggest impediment will be overcoming the hassio->Home Assistant->Home Assistant All-in-One transitions.

And besides, if people know enough to google “all-in-one” then they likely already know what they are looking for and/or will be taken to the main HA website in the first few links. If they don’t know to look for “all-in-one” then why would it be any impediment at all? Searching “home assistant” should get them to the main site and then they will see “all-in-one (AIO)” explained.

But then I’m not sure what “SEO” means so it may be way more ominous than I think. :slightly_smiling_face:


SEO is not going to be effected by only one word/phrase or abbreviation. It’s affected by all the words, context, content and links on the page.